Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Линия заданий - 10
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12882. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1) World Without Drivers
2) Health Benefits
3) Unexpected Tech Failure
4) Military Use
5) Other Side of the Coin
6) Saving Time And Money
7) Specialised Vehicles
8) Robotic Future

A. Globally released worldwide, Microsoft Vista hit the markets in early 2007. Its ideology was to enhance the security system of the personal computer. But the security features weren’t all that better than its previous versions’, according to many software critics. Vista is also not compatible on all sorts of PC’s and runs slower compared to Windows XP. All of this prevented Vista from being a better version and it never took off like the company had hoped.

B. A couple centuries ago, if you wanted to record a moment for posterity, you sat around for hours or days while someone painted it. Up until ten years ago, you were at the mercy of photo developers charging 20 cents or more to help preserve your memories. Now you can record countless images and store them electronically for all of eternity at virtually no cost per picture.

C. With technology advancing at the pace it is today, we have to believe that by the end of the century we won’t be driving our cars around the city. Rather, we will just be sitting on the then historic driver’s seat and doing some work. While the concept looks futuristic, industrial designer Kubik Petr believes that nothing seems impossible with modern technology at hand.

D. The Kenguru is designed only for the disabled. Previously car manufacturers would design cars for the disabled but not specifically for them. This Hungarian company is taking it to the next step, the disabled will be able to open the rear of the car and just roll in the driving position, secure their wheelchair - without never having to leave their chair.

E. Technology certainly offers us innumerable comforts within our world, especially when it comes to people who have extreme medical conditions and need the help of science and technology to live comfortably within their everyday lives. The creation of robot limbs allows a person to walk again. The introduction of synthetic body parts such as a heart pump can help a person to live longer.

F. Everyone knows that being a soldier is a dangerous job. Walking through minefields, deactivating unexploded bombs or clearing out hostile buildings, for example, are some of the riskiest tasks. What if we could send robots to do these jobs instead of humans? Then, if something went wrong, we’d only lose the money it cost to build the robot instead of losing a human life.

G. Cutting edge technologies offer the hope for a better world, bringing welcome solutions to everything from disease to environmental damage. But these same technologies can also bring danger by aiding criminals and terrorists, invading personal privacy and even potentially creating diseases and damaging the environment. The more power ful and pervasive technology becomes, the more dangerous it becomes as well.

Задание ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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